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  • Writer's pictureTimothy Rowlands

The importance of digitising your slides and printed photographs!

Fire!! Flood!! Storm Damage!! Let's hope none of those events ever happen to your homes. If you don't live close to any rivers then a flood might not ever occur, but the two other events could happen. God forbid they don't but none of us can 100% certain that it won't!

Take a look at this! Awful

House on fire

And this?!! Terrible

House destroyed by storm damage

I once knew someone who lived in a caravan as a child and one day the gas supply to that caravan caught fire and it was destroyed. All of her Dad's memories went up in smoke, photographs on the walls, boxes of photos and slides were completely lost. Never to be replaced!

Here is the solution to prevent your precious photographs and slides from ever being lost:

Digitise them! If you do that then you can never lose them even if a serious event like a fire, flood or storm damage occurred. After the digitisation has happened and returned to you on USB then upload them to a storage server like 'The Cloud', 'Google One' or 'Amazon Photos', anyone of your choosing. Then if a serious event did occur you could download them and then reprint your favourite ones to display at a future time. Even if you don't want to re-print them you would be safe in the knowledge that your precious memories are somewhere they could never be destroyed. Your memories are what make you and should never be lost. Digitise slides and photographs so they can never be damaged or destroyed.

Printed photographs

How many printed photographs would you lose if your house burnt down?

  • Hundreds

  • Thousands

  • Ten Thousand

Please feel free to comment and get in touch. Take care and until next time.

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